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Girls' Day 25th April 2024

Girls' Day in Chemistry was once again a complete success. On 25.04.24, interested schoolgirls visited us in the chemistry department and experimented in the laboratory under the guidance of doctoral researchers from the ModISC research training group. The aim was to produce an electroluminescent film. All of the students were successful and were able to take their films home with them afterwards. During the practical work, the girls took the opportunity to ask the supervising doctoral researchers about studying chemistry. We hope that the participating schoolgirls enjoyed the event and that we were able to inspire you to study chemistry, business chemistry or biochemistry.

Further information on the degree courses will be available at the HHU University Information Day on June 8. 2024: https://www.hochschulinformationstag.de/

Kategorie/n: Chemie Aktuelles, ModISC
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